Interior Design Consultation

Our goal is to produce a coordinated and harmonious space in which the architecture, function, and visual aspects of the interior are unified, pleasing to mind and body, and appropriate to the activities to be pursued there.

Window Treatment Specialists

We offer a wide variety of window coverings for both interior and exterior applications, providing you the best possible products, while working on the next best thing.

We are the only local Authorized Hunter Douglas Partner and are proud to offer you  premium service, complete access, and personalized advice.

We expertly answer questions and ensure your custom order is built to your exact specifications. Plus we offer professional services to help you choose and install the perfect window fashion.

Retail Showroom

Our showroom is stocked with the highest quality home décor accessories and the range of colourful and unique pieces will fit perfectly in any space in your home or business. Our showroom has become a designers' haven, inspiring our clients creativity and imagination. A true designers' paradise!